Roma Monteverde - Apt. 1

Permit number QA-2019-81064

Via Giovanni Caselli, Roma, Lazio, close to Trastevere, Italy

Tap to call +39 392 828 9968
Roma Monteverde - Apt. 1 Via Giovanni Caselli, Roma, Lazio, close to Trastevere, Italy +39 392 828 9968
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Property description

Bright apartment near the Trastevere train station, to feel right at home.

The wide spaces will allow you to spend a fantastic stay in Rome, immersing yourself in the daily life of the city.

In an excellent position to move towards the center, in a quiet area and well connected to Fiumicino airport (30 minutes by train), the World Food Program (15 minutes by train), the Fiera di Roma (20 minutes by train) , S. Camillo Hospital (10 minutes by Tram).




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Other Informations

The apartment consists of a large and welcoming living room, the kitchen is fully equipped and functional. The four bedrooms are comfortable and spacious.
There are two bathrooms, one with a bath and the other with a shower. A large and sunny balcony allows you to have breakfast or enjoy an aperitif in complete relaxation!

Guests will find all the basic equipment for the kitchen and bathrooms, a welcome kit containing maps and guides of Rome, as well as suggestions for all the interesting places to visit and to enjoy excellent food and relaxation.

The basic rates are intended for the whole apartment per night up to 4 people. Rates are ALL INCLUSIVE without any other additional cost.

There are no restrictions on entering and leaving the house, because upon your arrival you will be given the keys to the apartment. You can go out and back freely, always taking care not to disturb other people in the building. Other things to highlight

All necessary information and explanations will be provided to guests by the person who will check-in and hand over the keys.

Guests will have documentation with all the information of the area (shops, supermarkets, restaurants, transport) maps of places to visit and suggestions of things to see.

Booking informations

Bassa Stagione: dal 7 gennaio al 31 Marzo e dal 1 Novembre al 21 Dicembre

Alta Stagione: dal 1 Aprile al 31 Ottobre (Pasqua esclusa) e dal 22 Dicembre al 6 Gennaio


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Driving directions

The house is located a few steps from Trastevere Station, in a quiet area and well connected to the historic center of Rome, by buses, trams and trains (15 minutes).

Near the house there are many shops, pizzerias, pastry shops, ice cream parlors, restaurants, take away and supermarkets.

A few steps away are the Trastevere train station and the Tram number 8 stop, which connects quickly and frequently to the center of Rome.


Fiumicino Airport - FCO - just 30 minutes by train on the FL1 line, ticket only 8 Euro.

We can organize Transfer from / to the airport with professional drivers of our trust, at affordable rates!

Other transport

Tram number 8 a few steps from the house, to reach the center of Rome in just 15 minutes!

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