Stromboli - Casa Gialla

Via Soldato Giuseppe Cincotta ang. Via Regina Elena, Stromboli, Sicilia, Piscità Area, Italy

Tap to call +39 392 828 9968
Stromboli - Casa Gialla Via Soldato Giuseppe Cincotta ang. Via Regina Elena, Stromboli, Sicilia, Piscità Area, Italy +39 392 828 9968
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Property description

Enjoy your stay in the unspoiled nature of Stromboli, in complete relaxation and in the safest and most sheltered area of the island!

Casa Gialla is located on the ground floor, has a large private patio and a solarium for exclusive use and is surrounded by a large garden. It is perfect for couples who love tranquility and nature!

The structure offers accommodation for 2 people, an outdoor patio and an internal garden.
Casa Gialla is equipped with air conditioning!

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Other Informations

Casa Gialla is located on the north side of the island, in the Piscità district, and overlooks Strombolicchio. The road is the one that from the port, along the sea, starts towards the volcano, crossing the residential area of the island, where it begins to shrink more and more until it becomes the mule track leading to the summit of Stromboli.

The address is Viale Regina Elena corner with Via Soldato Giuseppe Cincotta, between Scalo Balordi and Piscità, the two descents to the sea to the right and left of the house. Another reference may be the old Hotel La Sciara (now closed), bordering on the south.

The distance from Piscità to the Port of Scari is about 3Km.

Landing with vehicles on the island is prohibited during the summer. In the summer it is forbidden to disembark to any type of vehicle (by order of the mayor who is renewed every year). Find out about the regulations in force for the period in which you want to visit the island at the Autonomous Tourist and Tourism Authority of the Aeolian Islands.

It is possible to take advantage of an electric taxi service.

If you can not resist without a means of locomotion, you can rent bicycles and scooters on the island.

Booking informations

Guests have access to the House for their exclusive use.

For entry and exit from the house, there are no times to respect. Guests are given the keys which will be returned upon departure. In case of loss and / or damage to the keys, guests will be required to compensate for the damage.

It is not allowed to bring unregistered guests into the apartment or without the general consent of the owner.


High Season: from June 19th to August 27th - MINIMUM STAY OF 7 NIGHTS



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Driving directions


by hydrofoil and ship (Phone. +39 090 9283242) - Timetable

(Phone: Stromboli: +39 090 986003;Milazzo +39 090 9284091/9283415/)

Usticalines check timetables.
Stromboli Ustica Lines Agency: Phone +39 090 986003 - Info line +39 340 9028012
Milazzo Ustica linece Agency : Phone +39 090 9287821 - Info line +39 340 9023731

Messina : Phone +39 090 364044 - Info line +39 347 0095781
Reggio Calabria: Phone +39 0965 29568 - Info line +39 346 0116552


all year long by ship (phone .+39 081 5800340) - Timetable
from June to September by Hydrofoil (phone +39 081 5513352); Timetable

Ustica Lines check timetables. (phone. +39 081 5800340).
Tirrenia ( you can get to Stromboli by ship from Napoli via Palermo)


Ustica Lines check timetables.
Palermo Ustica lines Agency: Phone +39 091 333 333 / 324255 - Fax +39 091 329990


The nearest airport to Eolian Islands is the one in Reggio Calabria; from the airport there's a bus in coincidence with every flight arriving to Messina in coincidence with hydrofoils.

Alternatively you can take a taxi to the harbor in Reggio Calabria and keep going from there by hydrofoil. Another way is by bus up to Messina, then by another bus (in coincidence) up to Milazzo and then by hydrofoil.

Another airport, the one we suggest to use, is located in Catania ( phone: 800 605 656). From April to October there's a bus line, daily, to the harbor of Milazzo via Messina. You can also rent a taxi ( with reservation discount rates) from the airport of Catania to the harbor of Milazzo.


Fontanarossa Airport in Catania (SAC) :
AirOne contacts:

199 20 70 80* (check website for call costs)

from Italy

+39 06 48880069

from out of Italy

Every day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Wind Jet +39 899.65.65.05 (check their web site for call costs, from italy landline it's about 0.96€/minute)
Meridiana call center: 892 928 from Italy; from outside italy: +39 0789 52682 (check websites for call costs)

Other transport

call center, from italy: 892021 (paid call, check prices in their website)



SAIS : BUS Reggio Calabria - Messina
- Bus from Messina to the harbor of Milazzo (and vice versa) : GIUNTABUS S. & C. srl
  98122  Messina (ME) - 8, v. Terranova, tel: +39 090 673782, 090 675749
- From the airport of FONTANA ROSSA in Catania, there are:
- a daily bus line ( in the afternoon) Catania - Milazzo by GIUNTABUS S. & C. srl
  98122  Messina (ME) - 8, v. Terranova. Tel: +39 090 673782, 090 675749
- many bus rides every day from Catania airport own to Messina S.A.I.S. tel. +39 090 771914

Policies & disclaimers


The rental contract is made between the renter and the agent on behalf of the owner of the property for which the booking is made and incorporates the conditions set out below. In all legal respects the renter is liable to the owner and vice versa.

2.Rental Contract

The person who signs the booking form certifies that he or she is authorized to accept the booking conditions on behalf of all persons mentioned on the booking form, including those substituted or added at a later date. The signatory must be a member of the party occupying the property and must be 18 years old or over.

3.Obligations of the renter

The number of persons (including infants) occupying the property must not exceed the maximum number of persons as mentioned on the booking form. Owner reserve the right to terminate the rental without notice and without refund in case of breach of this conditions.
The renter will take good care of the property and will leave it in the same condition as found upon arrival. The renter will permit the owner or his representative access to the property in order to carry out urgent maintenance. The necessity of such maintenance to be judged by the owner.
The renter agrees to pay for any damage to the property caused or arising during the period of rental, such as breakages, losses or damage to fittings, fixtures, etc. up to full rebuilding or replacement cost.

4.Arrival and Departure

Rented dwellings will be available on Saturday arrival after 16.00 hours while their release , for compelling organizational reasons , will definitely be before 10.00 am on the scheduled expiration Saturday .
Special conditions ( midweek arrivals or departures and the possibility of different arrival or departure ) can be agreed upon booking according to the needs of both.
Any damage to property or appliances must be observed before the start and it will be given to the agent communication. In case of damage , the exceeding costs to return the property to its original state , will be defined directly between the tenant and the owner or his representative . In case of late arrival , delays due to weather conditions , strikes or events not caused by the owner , the tenant will not be entitled to refunds.


Bookings are to be accompanied by a deposit of 50% of the total rent      while   Balance must be paid within one week from  arrival. Through bank transfer.


All modifications should be communicated in writing by the renter to the agent.
Cancellation of the rental, in total or in part of the rental will be subjected to the following penalties: 30% within 30 days from date of booking, 70% within 15 days from the date of booking, 100% within 7 days  from date of booking. In case the house could be relocated for the same period, penalty will amount to 30% only.

7.Damage Deposit

All bookings are accepted on the condition that the renter is responsible for and will pay for any damages, losses and/or breakages to the property occupied, including such damages (if any) which may only be discovered after departure.  
The deposit will be refunded after checking procedure before leaving.


All prices mentioned on the booking  are final. They include water, light and gas consumption while all other extra costs ( final cleaning and linen) will be considered separately.

9.Cancellation of the owner

Total or partial cancellations made by the owner or the agent due to special or unforeseen events such as fire damages or death that will not allow access to the house anymore will give the renter the right for total or partial reimbursement of the amount paid according to the period of lost rental. This, excluding any other penalties for moral or material experienced by the renter.

The house will be delivered clean , functional and orderly in its entirety and is to be returned as found . The heaters must be switched off , the throttle closed . They should not be transported outside furniture and interior objects , or exchanged with the other houses . They have home equipment accessories for normal cleaning excluding detergents . The redelivery houses and final cleaning costs are € 70/90 for each house , depending on the size . Requests for additional cleaning during the lease must be agreed separately.

11.Supplies and Linen

All houses are furnished and provided with supplies according to the number of guests indicated except for linen that can be provided by the renter or rented according to request.

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  3. When you consent to your information being stored as described above, we are legally obliged to store this consent in our database. This information will include your IP number and the content of the opt-in form. We will retain this consent notification indefinately (this is a legal requirement).
Agent vcard
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Pompei Nice Home star at approximate 0.00 km
Prices from 100.00€ Per night
Roma Monteverde - Apt. 3 star at approximate 0.00 km
Roma Vatican - Apt. 2 star at approximate 0.00 km
Stromboli - Casa Viola star at approximate 0.00 km
Stromboli - Casa Verde star at approximate 0.00 km
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